Friday, July 17, 2009

Canada Day

Alright so this is a little late, but I just wanted to pay tribute to my wonderful native land of Canada. For those of you who don't know, July 1st was Canada Day. Canada Day celebrates the anniversary of the British North America Act that took place on 1 July 1867 which united Canada as a single country. Although I wasn't able to be in Canada to celebrate, I was sure to remind all the Americans around me that it was my country's national holiday and showed my pride. Troy and I commemorated the day by singing the national anthem and going and getting a snow cone. Oh baby was it good!


Although I seem to get made fun of relentlessly around these parts, I am very proud to be Canadian and to have been raised in such a beautiful country. No matter what happens, I will always consider myself to be Canadian.

Happy Birthday Canada!


Ashley Smith said...

Hey Jem! I found your blog. Love it. Hope life is great.

Ashley Craig

Jessica said...

I will always consider you to be Canadian too Jem. We love you

Alyson Samantha said...

Just so you know, the cat with the snow cone made me laugh really loud at work and people looked at me funny. (funnier than usual...)