Thursday, August 5, 2010

Baby Update

Well there's 4 days left until my due date and I thought I'd fill people in on my progress... or the lack thereof. I am currently not dilated at all and my doctor says this baby is showing no signs of coming out anytime soon. I suppose that's ok because I haven't made it to my due date yet, but I don't know how much longer my body can put up with this! I have had such an awesome pregnancy and so I shouldn't complain, but I really feel like my body is starting to shut down. My back is giving me some grief and by the end of the day my feet are unrecognizable and HUGE! I am also suffering from a serious lack of energy, just a trip to the grocery store takes it right out of me! The truth is I'd be willing to put up with this discomfort and WAY more if it means a healthy sweet little baby girl, but I would not be disappointed if she decided to make her appearance! My next appointment is on Tuesday which happens to be my due date. My Doctor says that if I haven't made any progress by then that we'll start looking at scheduling an induction. I like knowing that there's an end in sight by scheduling something, but I'd prefer her to come on her own so.... HURRY UP BABY!!! Oh by the way, we're naming her Pyper. The jury is still out on her middle name though.


Jenn said...

Pyper Salmon! I love it!! Congrats will be a very FUN mama. Good luck with everything.
Love Jenn

Cassie and Mason Green said...

oh man.. I feel for ya.. I have to say you are a lot less of a biotch than I was at this point. Don't get me wrong you're still a biotch, just not a big one.

Callie said...

SOO freakin excited. I was looking at little girl clothes for her the other day and just got all giddy. Pyper Jemaica Salmon...Pyper Jem Salmon...Pyper The Champ many options :) love you!

Megan said...

AWW Jem!!! What an adorable name. You're gonna do great, and you're gonna be great! I'm just so excited for you!

Cait said...

Pyper!!!! I love it! well I come down on thursday so hurry up and have her, I would love to meet her! Good luck with everything, you are going to be an amazing mom!

Angie Adam said...

we need a new post Jem =)

kelsey said...

JEMAICA!!! I totally just stalked the heck out of you. . . sorry, but it's true. I cannot believe you had a little baby girl, and I'm dying to hear more about how things went. Since I'm not really on facebook anymore (only friends with my immediate family and in-laws), I am so out of the loop.

Congrats, being a mom is the toughest and best job ever. I just had my second little girl at the end of august, so our babies are about the same age--- CRAZY. My blog is private, but e-mail me at: and I'll send you an invite!

I hope all is well,
Kelsey (your long-lost efy buddy). lol.